by owdsupport | Sep 19, 2023 | Events at the Museum - English, Museum News - English, Notable Persons posts on Notable Persons Page - English, Uncategorized
On Monday September 18th the Third President of Ukraine Victor Yuschenko and the former First Lady Kateryna Yushchenko visited the Ukrainian National Museum. It was our honor and privilege to host such important guests. They were given a tour by Museum staff and after...
by owdsupport | Mar 5, 2022 | Events at the Museum - English, Uncategorized, Workshops - English
SIGN UP TODAY MARCH 12TH, MARCH 26TH APRIL 2ND and APRIL 9TH Reawaken, Revitalize and Create Pysankas Pysanka Workshops at the Ukrainian National Museum We are excited to once again announce the Pysanky (Easter Egg) Workshops at the Ukrainian National Museum. This...
by owdsupport | Apr 1, 2021 | Uncategorized, Workshops - English
Reawaken, Revitalize and Create Pysankas Join us for an online cultural immersion. Pysanka Workshops at the Ukrainian National Museum. We are excited to once again announce the Pysanky (Easter Egg) Workshops at the Ukrainian National Museum. This year we offer...
by owdsupport | Oct 8, 2020 | Events at the Museum - English, Museum News - English, Uncategorized
UNM Virtual Banquet Donation Visit the UNM Virtual Banquet Auctions Enter the UNM Museum Reflections BanquetDoors Open 10/24 6:00pm CST Enter the...
by owdsupport | Mar 16, 2020 | Uncategorized
Relax and unwind at the museum after hours! $10 for a 75 minute class starting at 6:30....