Motankas (Мотанка) are ancient Ukrainian family talismans. They are the symbol
of prosperity, goodness and hope. Then first knotted dolls appeared about 5,000
years ago, and represented the unity of the family and deep connection between
multiple generations.
The name "motanka" comes from the word “motaty” (to wind) ie. to make a
knotted doll out of fabric, without using a needle and scissors. Motanka served as a
talisman of human destiny and our ancestors believed that destiny cannot be
pierced or cut.
Generally, dolls were in the shape of a human figure, usually a woman or a child,
and were made from pieces of fabric from old clothes of family members
connected by knots.
Each doll was unique and made with only good intentions and sincerity as it was
believed that it has the power and will to act as a protector of a household and its